Bifurcation analysis of delay differential equations: an introduction to DDE-BIFTOOL by examples

  • seminar by Davide Liessi
  • Friday 6 April 2018 10:00–11:00
  • Sala riunioni, DMIF

A key part of the study of dynamical systems is the analysis of bifurcations, which is the study of qualitative changes in the number, kind and stability of the orbits as the parameters of the system are changed. DDE-BIFTOOL is one of the most famous software packages for performing bifurcation analyses of delay differential equations. In the seminar I will show examples of continuation of equilibria and periodic solutions, and of detection and continuation of bifurcations.

The codes of the examples will be made available during the seminar, so attendees may bring their own laptop (with working installation of either MATLAB or Octave and Internet access) and try them in real time.