CDLab @ Mini-symposium on delay equations
Davide Liessi will deliver the talk Stability of periodic solutions of renewal equations at the mini-symposium Delay equations: theory and applications, which will take place on 15 February 2019 at Utrecht University.
The mini-symposium is organized by Odo Diekmann (Utrecht U.), Stephan van Gils (U. Twente), Yuri Kuznetsov (Utrecht U. & U. Twente) and Sjoerd Verduyn Lunel (Utrecht U.).
The other speakers will be Sebastiaan Janssens (Utrecht U.), Len Spek (U. Twente) and Maikel Bosschaert (U. Hasselt).
If you intend to attend, please send an email to Odo Diekmann before 12 February 2019.