Introduction to wavelets and convolution
We propose an introduction to wavelets, focusing on the concept of wavelet transform, multiresolution analysis and the related decomposition and reconstruction algorithms. The various concepts will be illustrated through simple examples based on Haar wavelets. Some implementation aspects will be briefly discussed, with particular attention to the use of discrete convolutions.
The lecture is part of the course Mathematics for machine learning, offered by the Scuola Superiore of the University of Udine and organized by Enrico Bozzo. (
Carla Manni
Carla Manni is full professor of Numerical Analysis at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. Her main research interests are splines, Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD), isogeometric analysis, numerical linear algebra, bounded interpolation and approximation, subdivision schemes. She authored more than 130 publications on international journals. (