CDLab @ IFAC TDS 2022
Alessia Andò, Dimitri Breda, Davide Liessi, Francesca Scarabel and Rossana Vermiglio will take part in the 17th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS 2022) in Montréal from 27 to 30 September 2022.
Dimitri Breda and Jan Sieber (U. Exeter) organize the session Numerical methods for time delay systems, including the talks
- On the numerical computation of periodic solutions of renewal and delay differential equations (Alessia Andò),
- Data-driven methods for delay-differential equations (Dimitri Breda).
Francesca Scarabel and Gergely Röst (U. Szeged) organize the session Delay equations in biological dynamics, including the talk Numerical approximation of the basic reproduction number of structured population models (Rossana Vermiglio).
CDLab members will contribute the talks
- eigTMNpw: A tutorial on computing Floquet multipliers (Davide Liessi),
- Numerical bifurcation analysis of delay equations using software for ODEs: the pseudospectral discretization approach (Francesca Scarabel),
- Numerical bifurcation analysis of delay equations: a user-friendly MatCont interface (Davide Liessi),
to the session Software for time delay systems, organized by Suat Gümüşsoy (Siemens Technology).
This event has been updated.